Technical Data Evaluation

ITEM: CES-2180 ACC CAMAC Aux. Create Controller (15MHz model)

Evaluation date: 18 November 1985

By: T. Ichihara (RIKEN Radiation Lab.)

 (1) Hardware  CES-2180
      o  CPU :  DCJ11,  15.0 MHz clock  (266.7 n sec clock)
      o  Memory :  64 K bit Static RAM (Hitach HM6246P-12) * 6
         128 KB
 (2) Memory bus-cycle
      o  Read  1 cycle   (0.27 usec)  ( usec = micro second, hereafter)
      o  Write 2 cycle   (0.54 usec)

 (3) Instruction Execution time (by the real measurements)

  (3.1) MOV instruction execution time
              (CMP, ADD, SUB are almost identical to MOV)

           (*) All the memory reference is on memory (not on I/O page)

						       Memory Access(*)
        (Instruction)          (Exec. time)     MC      Fetch/Read/Write
	MOV	R0,R1	        0.27 usec	1	1    0    0
	MOV	(R0),R1	        0.80 usec	3	1    1    0
	MOV	(R0)+,R1	0.80 usec	3	1    1    0
	MOV     @(R0),R1	1.33 usec	5       1    2    0
        MOV     -(R0),R1        1.07 usec       4       1    1    0
        MOV     @-(R0),R1	1.60 usec	6       1    2    0
        MOV     X(R0),R1        1.33 usec       5       2    1    0
        MOV     @X(R0),R1       1.87 usec       7       2    2    0
        MOV     #X,R1           0.53 usec       2       2    0    0
        MOV	@#X,R1          1.07 usec       4       2    1    0
        MOV     X,R1            1.33 usec       5       2    1    0
        MOV     @X,R1           1.87 usec       7       2    2    0
        MOV     R0,(R1)+	1.07 usec       4       1    0    1
        MOV     R0,@(R1)+	1.60 usec       6       1    1    1
        MOV     R0,-(R1)        1.33 usec       5       1    0    1
        MOV     R0,-@(R1)       1.87 usec       7       1    1    1
        MOV     R0,X(R1)        1.60 usec       6       2    2    1
        MOV     R0,@X(R1)       2.13 usec       8       2    1    1
        MOV     R0,#X           2.13 usec       8       2    0    1
        MOV     R0, @#X		1.33 usec       5       2    0    1
        MOV     R0,X		1.60 usec       6       2    0    1
        MOV     R0,@X           2.13 usec       6       2    1    1
        MOV     (R0)+,(R1)+	1.60 usec       6       1    1    1
        MOV     -(R0),-(R1)     2.13 usec       8       1    1    1

  (3.2) Floating point instruction execution time (by real measurements)

     (a) 32bit single precision

        (Instruction)          (Exec. time)        Machine Cycle
        ADDF	FLOAT,0		11.2-13.1 usec     42-49
        SUBF	FLOAT,0		12.0-14.9 usec     45-55
        MULF	FLOAT,0         16.3-24.5 usec     61-92
        DIVF	FLOAT,0         17.1-25.3 usec     64-95

     (b) 64bit double precision

        (Instruction)          (Exec. time)        Machine Cycle
        ADDF	FLOAT,0		15.2-17.9 usec     57-67
        SUBF	FLOAT,0		13.9-18.7 usec     52-70
        MULF	FLOAT,0         46.4-47.2 usec    174-177
        DIVF	FLOAT,0         45.1-56.5 usec    169-212

  (3.2) Conditional Branch instruction   (by real measurements)
              SOB	R1,1$     

                 Branch established          1.33 usec  (5 MC)
                 Branch not established      0.80 usec  (3 MC)

  (3.3) Interrupt (calculated value)
        (Instruction)          (Exec. time)        Machine Cycle
        TRAP                   5.33 usec           (20 MC)			
        RTI                    2.40 usec           ( 9 MC)

	164000 -165777(O)	CAMAC Address (164000 + 2*A + 64*N)
        166000			CAMAC Function Register	(CFR)
	160002			CAMAC Data High/Status Reg. (DHR)
        160004                  Interrupt Mask/Source Reg.  (IMF)

  (4.1) CAMAC READ Cycle Execution Time 
          (Supposed that the Function is already stored in CFR)

   (4.1.1) 16bit,  Read into a register (R5 shows CAMAC address)
	    MOV   (R5), R0       1.46 usec  (10 clock stretched read)

   (4.1.2) 16bit,  Read into a memory (R5 shows CAMAC address)

	    MOV   (R5), (R1)+    2.27 usec  (10 clock stretched read)

   (4.1.3) 24bit,  Read into a memory (R4 shows SHR)

	    MOV   (R5), (R1)+    2.27 usec  (10 clock stretched read)
	    MOV   (R5), R0       1.87 usec  (10 clock stretched read)
                           total 4.13 usec

   (4.1.4)  16-bit address scan block-mode read I (SOB loop)

         1$: MOV  (R5)+,(R1)+    2.27 usec
             SOB   R0,1$         1.33 usec
                           total 3.60 usec / 1 word read  (550 kB/sec)

   (4.1.5)  16-bit address scan block-mode read I (MACRO expansion)

	    .REPT	n
             MOV  (R5)+,(R1)+    2.27 usec

                                  2.27 usec / 1 word read  (882 kB/sec)

  (4.2) CAMAC WRITE Cycle Execution Time 

   (4.2.1)  16-bit write from resister

            MOV    R0,(R5)	1.33 usec   (8 clock stretched write)
   (4.2.1)  16-bit write from memory

            MOV    (R1)+,(R5)	1.87 usec   ( 1.07 MB/sec)

 (5) test interrupt program execution time

      In the interrupt routine
          (1) Push registers
          (2) read 8 CH CAMAC Data into Memory
          (3) Write Output register 2 words (pulse)
          (4) pop resistors

    Time from the interrupt to the pulse of the Output register

           20 instructions:   38.42 usec
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