Page |
First observation of 20B and 21B
S. Leblond et al.
1 |
Gamow–Teller giant resonance in 132Sn
M. Sasano, J. Yasuda et al.
2 |
First spectroscopy of the near drip-line nucleus 40Mg
H. L. Crawford, P. Fallon et al.
3 |
Interplay between nuclear shell evolution and shape deformation revealed by magnetic moment of 75Cu
Y. Ichikawa et al.
4 |
Mass measurements of neutron-rich Ni isotopes in Rare RI Ring
A.Ozawa et al.
5 |
Discovery of 60Ca and Implications For the Stability of 70Ca
O. B. Tarasov
6 |
Nuclear surface diffuseness revealed in nucleon-nucleus diffraction
W.Horiuchi and A. Kohama
7 |
Proton- and deuteron-induced reactions on 107Pd and 93Zr at 20–30 MeV/nucleon
M. Dozono et al.
8 |
Transverse momentum dependent fragmentation measurements in Belle
9 |
Measurement of elliptic flow of single electrons from semi-leptonic decay of charm and bottom hadrons in Au+Au collisions at √ sNN = 200 GeV
Y.Ueda et al.
10 |
The chiral propulsion effect
Y.Hirono et al.
11 |
Superconducting RILAC booster
N.Sakamoto et al.
12 |
Remodeling of acceleration cavity resonators for RIKEN Ring Cyclotron
K. Yamada et al.
13 |
He gas stripper with N2 gas-jet curtain
H. Imao et al.
14 |
Upgrade of particle selection system for Rare RI Ring experiments
Y. Abe et al.
15 |
Aberration correction study for high-resolution optics of BigRIPS using sextupole magnets
T.Nishi et al.
16 |
In-gas-jet laser ionization spectroscopy at KISS
Y.Hirayama et al.
17 |
Microgram-order palladium isotope separation by odd-mass-selective photoionization
T.Sonoda and T. Kobayashi
18 |
Introducing silver atoms into superfluid helium for precision laser spectroscopy
W. Kobayashi et al.
19 |
Magnetic properties of Alkali-metal Superoxide, NaO2
F. Astuti et al.
20 |
Mass spectrometric speciation of mononuclear Re carbonyls in the gas phase
Y. Wang et al.
21 |
Practical synthesis of 211At-labeled immunoconjugate by double click method for α-emission cancer radiotherapeutics
K. Fujiki and K. Tanaka et al.
22 |
Activation cross sections of α-induced reactions on natZn for Ge and Ga production
M. Aikawa et al.
23 |
A novel mutation induced by Ar-ion-irradiation affect grain length and improve yield in rice
R. Morita et al.
24 |
Recent progress in overcoming interspecific hybrid sterility in rice
Y. Koide et al.
25 |
Improved and robust method to efficiently deplete repetitive elements from complex plant genomes
H. Ichida and T. Abe
26 |
Ⅱ. RESEARCH ACTIVITIES I (Nuclear, Particle and Astro-Physics)
1. Nuclear Physics
Breakup of 9C studied at SAMURAI
A. I. Chilug, V. Panin et al.
27 |
Cluster structure of neutron-rich beryllium isotopes investigated by cluster quasi-free scattering reaction
P. Li, D. Beaumel
28 |
Particle identification in 11Li(p, n) experiment at SAMURAI
Y Hirai et al.
29 |
Neutron-gamma separation performance of PANDORA in SAMURAI30 experiment
Y. Hirai et al.
30 |
Gamow-Teller resonance in 14Be(p, n) reaction
J. Gao and L. Stuhl
31 |
Systematic study of one-proton and two-proton knockout reactions by deuterium target
M. Miwa et al.
32 |
Study of spin-isospin response of 11Li (SAMURAI30 experiment)
L. Stuhl et al.
33 |
Overview of the experimental setup of SAMURAI30 to measure the 11Li(p, n) reaction in inverse kinematics
M. Sasano, L. Stuhl et al.
34 |
Neutron-neutron correlation in Borromean nucleus 11Li via the (p, pn) reaction
Y. Kubota et al.
35 |
Particle identification of light charged particle by SπRIT-TPC in Sn-Sn isotopic reactions
M. Kaneko et al.
36 |
Recent results of collective flow for SπRIT-TPC experiment
M. Kurata-Nishimura et al.
37 |
New implant-decay correlation method for β-delayed neutron emission measurements with the BRIKEN setup
O. Hall et al.
38 |
Progress on the measurements of Pn-values and half-lives for understanding the formation of the r-process rare-earth peak
A. Tarifeño-Saldivia
39 |
β decays of the heaviest N = Z − 1 nuclei and proton instability of 97In
J. Park et al.
40 |
Beta-gamma spectroscopy of neutron-rich 150Ba
R. Yokoyama et al.
41 |
Preliminary results on β-decay of the Tz = −1 nucleus 66Se at RIBF
P. Aguilera et al.
42 |
Study of β-decay of 71Kr
A. Sveiczer et al.
43 |
Coexisting single-particle and octupole states in 133Sn
G. Simpson et al.
44 |
Inelastic scattering of neutron-rich Ni and Zn isotopes off a proton target
M. L. Cortés et al.
45 |
Magnetic-moment measurement of the isomeric state of 130Sn in the vicinity of doubly-magic nucleus 132Sn
G. Georgiev et al.
46 |
Track distortion due to ion back flow in CAT-S at RIBF113: 132Sn(d, d’) measurement
S. Ota et al.
47 |
First mass measurements of neutron-rich calcium isotopes, 55–57Ca
S. Michimasa et al.
48 |
Re-measurement of the 4He(8He, 8Be) reaction
S. Masuoka, S. Shimoura et al.
49 |
Evaluation of 79Se(n, γ)80Se reaction by measuring 77, 79Se(d, p)78, 80Se reactions
N. Imai, M. Dozono et al.
50 |
Fine tuning of isochronism in Rare RI Ring using resonant Schottky monitor
F. Suzaki et al.
51 |
Preliminary analysis of the mass measurement experiment in the south-western region of 132Sn with Rare RI Ring
H. F. Li et al.
52 |
First online experiment of α-ToF detector with MRTOF-MS
T. Niwase et al.
53 |
β-γ spectroscopy of 195Os at KISS
M. Ahmed et al.
54 |
Feasibility study of 199Pt Q-moment measurement using in-gas-jet laser ionization spectroscopy at KISS
H. Choi et al.
55 |
Electric field gradient of ZnO crystal measured byβ-NQR of 23Ne
H. Nishibata et al.
56 |
7Be target production to measure 7Be(d, p) reaction for the primordial 7Li problem in Big-Bang Nucleosynthesis
A. Inoue et al.
57 |
New measurement of 8Li(α, n)11B reactions
Y. Mizoi et al.
58 |
Trojan Horse Method-based study of the 18F(p, α)15O reaction at astrophysical energies: update on the 2015 run
S. Cherubini et al.
59 |
Gamow-Teller transitions in 6He with PANDORA
L. Stuhl et al.
60 |
β-NMR measurements for 21O at HIMAC
A. Gladkov et al.
61 |
RI beam production at BigRIPS in 2018
Y. Shimizu et al.
62 |
Measurement of production cross-section and momentum distribution of isotopes produced from 18O beam
H. Takeda et al.
64 |
Cross-section measurement of neutron-rich isotopes produced from an RI beam of 132Sn using a two-step scheme
H. Suzuki et al.
65 |
2. Nuclear Physics (Theory)
Improvement of functionals in density functional theory using inverse Kohn-Sham method and density functional perturbation theory
D. Ohashi, T. Naito et al.
67 |
Coulomb exchange functional with generalized gradient approximation for self-consistent Skyrme Hartree-Fock calculations
T. Naito, X. Roca-Maza et al.
68 |
Joint project for large-scale nuclear structure calculations in 2018
N. Shimizu et al.
69 |
Bubble nuclei within the self-consistent Hartree-Fock mean field plus pairing approach
L. Tan Phuc et al.
70 |
Dineutron correlation and large quadrupole collectivity in deformed Mg isotopes near neutron drip line
M. Yamagami
71 |
Isoscalar and isovector spin responses in sd-shell nuclei
H. Sagawa and T. Suzuki
72 |
Self-consistent constrained HFB in odd-A nuclei
K. Sugawara-Tanabe and K. Tanabe
73 |
Nuclear symmetry energy and the breaking of the isospin symmetry: how do they reconcile with each other ?
X. Roca-Maza et al.
74 |
Neutron-proton pairing correlations and deformation for N = Z nuclei in pf-shell using deformed BCS and HFB approach
E. Ha et al.
75 |
Spin-singlet and spin-triplet pairing correlations on shape evolution in sd-shell N = Z Nuclei
E. Ha et al.
76 |
Low-lying collective excited states in non-integrable pairing models based on stationary phase approximation to the path integral
F. Ni et al.
77 |
Study of giant dipole resonance in hot rotating light mass nucleus 31P
D. Mondal et al.
78 |
3. Nuclear Data
Verification test of 107Pd transmutation
Y. Miyake et al.
79 |
Measurement of neutron production from 7 MeV/nucleon α incidence on a Bi target
K. Sugihara et al.
80 |
EXFOR compilation of RIBF data in 2018
S. Jagjit et al.
81 |
4. Hadron Physics
Preliminary result of the transverse single spin asymmetry in very forward π0 production in 510 GeV p↑ + p collisions
M. H. Kim
83 |
The stability of energy scale for RHICf photon measurement during the 2017 operation
K. Sato et al.
84 |
Cross section and longitudinal single-spin asymmetry AL for forward W± →μ±ν production in polarized p + p collisions – at √ s = 510 GeV
R. Seidl
85 |
Progress in analysis technique for extracting light-antiquark flavor asymmetry by SeaQuest at Fermilab
K. Nagai et al.
86 |
Forward hadron calorimeter R&D
Y. Goto et al.
87 |
Development of the intermediate silicon tracker for sPHENIX experiment at RHIC
I. Nakagawa
88 |
Tracking performance simulation for INTT at sPHENIX
T. Todoroki et al.
89 |
Preparation status of the J-PARC E16 experiment in 2018
S. Yokkaichi
90 |
Spectroscopy of pionic atoms in 122Sn(d, 3He) reaction and angular dependence of the formation cross sections
T. Nishi et al.
91 |
Isotope identification in nuclear emulsion plate for double-hypernulcear study
S. Kinbara et al.
92 |
5. Hadron Physics (Theory)
Short range πJ/ψ − DD¯* interaction
Y. Yamaguchi et al.
93 |
Proton decay matrix elements at physical quark mass
Y. Aoki et al.
94 |
The πγ →ππ transition and the ρ radiative decay width from lattice QCD
S. Meinel et al.
95 |
Neutron stars from an effective quark theory of QCD
T. Tanimoto
96 |
6. Particle Physics
Baryon spectrum of an SU(4) composite Higgs theory
E. T. Neil et al.
97 |
Updated empirical formulae of the masses of elementary particles
Y. Akiba
98 |
A model of the empirical mass formulae of elementary particles
Y. Akiba
99 |
7. Astrophysics and Astro-Glaciology
High-sensitivity sulfur isotopic measurements for Antarctic ice core analyses
K. Takahashi et al.
101 |
Mass Measurements with the Rare-RI Ring for the A = 130 r-process Abundance Peak
S. Naimi
102 |
8. Accelerator
Construction of New 28-GHz ECR ion source for RILAC
T. Nagatomo et al.
103 |
Development of prototype superconducting linac for low-beta ions
N. Sakamoto et al.
104 |
Performance test of bulk-niobium cavities for new superconducting linear accelerators
K. Yamada et al.
105 |
Input power coupler for SRILAC
K. Ozeki et al.
106 |
Development of RIKEN 28 GHz SC-ECRIS for the production of intense metal ion beam
Y. Higurashi et al.
107 |
Beam energy adjuster for super-heavy element synthesis at RIKEN Ring Cyclotron
K. Yamada et al.
108 |
Operation of high-temperature oven for 28-GHz superconducting ECR ion source
J. Ohnishi et al.
109 |
Laser Energy Dependence of Plasma Instability by Solenoid Magnetic Field
T. Karino et al.
110 |
Evaluation of beam orbit calculation method for the injection line of AVF cyclotron and performance evaluation of pepper-pot emittance monitor
Y. Kotaka et al.
111 |
Updating control units around the AVF cyclotron
M. Komiyama et al.
112 |
Reconstruction of RF system controller for RIKEN Ring Cyclotron
K. Yamada et al.
113 |
Radiation monitoring for cycrotrons in RIBF
M. Nakamura et al.
114 |
Development of beam interlock system driven by change in current of the magnet
K. Kumagai and A. Uchiyama
115 |
Design of reliable control with star-topology fieldbus communication for an electron cyclotron resonance ion source at RIBF
A. Uchiyama
116 |
Operation report for Nishina and RIBF water-cooling systems
T. Maie et al.
117 |
Pressure measurement of plasma window with large diameter
N. Ikoma et al.
118 |
Maintenance of vacuum conditions of RILAC
S. Watanabe et al.
119 |
9. Instrumentation
Application of the Generic Electronics for Time Projection Chamber (GET) readout system for heavy radioactive isotope collision experiments
T. Isobe et al.
121 |
PANDORA, a large volume low-energy neutron detector with real-time neutron-gamma discrimination
L. Stuhl et al.
122 |
Measurement of total kinetic energy using LaBr3(Ce) crystal in ZeroDegree spectrometer for two-step experiment
H. Suzuki et al.
123 |
Prototype of new delay line with chip inductors for the PPAC
H. Sato et al.
124 |
Development of electronics to allow vertex determination in the KISS MSPGC
P. Schury et al.
125 |
Development of Plastic Scintillator Barrel for WASA at GSI
R. Sekiya et al.
126 |
Energy dependence study of cylindrical drift chamber used for the MTV experiment
F. Goto et al.
127 |
Development of long and high-density data bus for sPHENIX INTT detector
T. Hachiya et al.
128 |
Performance evaluation of sensor module for INTT at sPHENIX
A. Suzuki et al.
129 |
Slit system between the foci F2 and F3 of the BigRIPS separator
K. Yoshida et al.
130 |
Fast beam interlock system for BigRIPS separator
K. Yoshida
131 |
Thermal model simulation of high-power rotating target for BigRIPS separator
Z. Korkulu et al.
132 |
Primary beam intensity calibration method using charge-states distribution
D. S. Ahn et al.
133 |
Angle-tunable degrader system for OEDO
J. W. Hwang et al.
134 |
Development of dispersion-matching optics of primary beam for SRC-BigRIPS system
S. Y. Matsumoto et al.
135 |
SHE-Mass-II: an MRTOF-MS for Super Heavy Nuclei
M. Wada et al.
136 |
Status and future plans of the MRTOF MS constructed at the SLOWRI facility
M. Rosenbusch et al.
137 |
Development of multiple reflection time of flight mass spectrograph at KISS
J. Y. Moon et al.
138 |
Offline test for RF carpet transportation in RF ion guide gas cell at the SLOWRI facility
A. Takamine et al.
139 |
Study of extraction yield of multi-nucleon transfer reaction products by using cooled argon gas cell
Y. Hirayama et al.
140 |
Yield analysis using target sliding system at KISS
Y. X. Watanabe et al.
141 |
Present status of ERIS at the SCRIT electron scattering facility
T. Ohnishi et al.
142 |
Electron-beam-current control at RTM injector
M. Watanabe et al.
143 |
Modification of dc-to-pulse converter FRAC
S. Sato et al.
144 |
Precise magnetic field measurement of WiSES
H. Wauke et al.
145 |
MPV – Parallel Readout Extension of VME
H. Baba et al.
146 |
Validation method to merge digital data acquisition with analog data-acquisition system in SAMURAI30 experiment
J. Gao, L. Stuhl
147 |
Development of 1.5-mm thick liquid hydrogen target
S. Koyama and D. Suzuki
148 |
Profile measurement of a large target cell of liquid hydrogen
M. Miwa et al.
149 |
The stability of the liquid hydrogen target system during the SAMURAI 30 experiment
X. Sun et al.
150 |
Design of an Ion Source for the eSHE project Toward Pioneering Electron Scattering on Superheavy Elements
S. Naimi
151 |
Absolute optical absorption cross-section of Rb atoms injected into superfluid helium using energetic ion beams
K. Imamura et al.
152 |
Baseline correction system of laser-microwave double resonance spectrum for atoms injected into superfluid helium by laser sputtering
M. Sanjo et al.
153 |
Attempt to measure relaxation time of atomic bubble surrounding alkaline atoms in superfluid helium
Y. Takeuchi et al.
154 |
Development of offline ion source for collinear laser spectroscopy of RI beams
M. Tajima et al.
155 |
Development of active nuclear spin maser with time-separated feedback scheme for Xe-EDM search
T. Sato et al.
156 |
Epithermal neutron spin filter with dynamic nuclear polarization using photo-excited triplet electron
S. Takada et al.
157 |
Measurement of impurity nuclides in 10.75 MeV/nucleon 136Xe beam in the atmosphere
T. Kambara and A. Yoshida
158 |
Computing and network environment at the RIKEN Nishina Center
T. Ichihara et al.
159 |
CCJ operations in 2018
S. Yokkaichi et al.
160 |
Ⅲ. RESEARCH ACTIVITIES II (Material Science and Biology)
1. Atomic and Solid State Physics (Ion)
Effects of asymmetrically-introduced splayed columnar defects on the peak effect in (Ba, K)Fe2As2
T. Tamegai et al.
161 |
Control of the electrical conductivity in diamond by ion implantation
H. Yamazaki et al.
162 |
Investigation of single event effects observed in SiC-SBDs
Y. Nakada et al.
163 |
Energy dependence of MeV-ion microbeam size extracted from tapered glass capillary optics
M. Ikekame et al.
164 |
Development of UV microbeam irradiation system by glass capillary optics
S. Kawamura et al.
165 |
2. Atomic and Solid State Physics (Muon)
Magnetic ordered states of hole-doped pyrochlore iridates (Y1-x-yCuxCay)2Ir2O7 investigated by μSR
J. Angel et al.
167 |
Generalization of muon spin relaxation function to study the pseudogap state of the underdoped La2-xSrxCuO4
M. D. Umar and I. Watanabe
168 |
Magnetic order in defective reduced graphene oxides (rGO) investigated using μSR
R. Asih et al.
169 |
Ground state of quasi-one dimensional competing spin chain Cs2Cu2Mo3O12
T. Goto and K. Matsui
170 |
Superconductivity in single crystals of λ-(BETS)2GaCl4 studied by transverse-fieldμSR
D. P. Sari et al.
171 |
μSR study on ferrimagnetism of Na-K alloy clusters incorporated into zeolite LSX under high-pressure helium gas
T. Nakano et al.
172 |
Quantum effects of muon on the electronic state of La2CuO4
M. R. Ramadhan et al.
173 |
Ab-initio calculation and μSR study of the covalency effect in YBa2Cu3O6
I. Ramli et al.
174 |
Studies of electrical conductivity in 12-mer single-stranded DNA by using scanning tunneling microscope
H. Rozak et al.
175 |
Magnetic ordering of (Eu1-xCax)2Ir2O7 studied using muon spin relaxation (μSR)
U. Widyaiswari et al.
176 |
μSR study of the Cu-spin correlation in the electron-underdoped Pr1.3-xLa0.7CexCuO4+δ (x = 0.05) single crystals
T. Adachi et al.
177 |
Reduction in Néel Temperature of La2CuO4 Nanoparticles
S. Winarsih et al.
178 |
Muon spin relaxation after hydrogen absorption-desorption process in Pd
M. Mihara et al.
179 |
Negative muon spin rotation with low-density gas target under transverse magnetic field to solve the proton radius puzzle
S. Kanda et al.
180 |
Measurement of total muonium emission yield from silica aerogel using μSR method
K. Ishida et al.
181 |
3. Radiochemistry and Nuclear Chemistry
Extraction behavior of rutherfordium as a cationic fluoride complex with a TTA chelate extractant from HF/HNO3 acidic solutions
A. Yokoyama et al.
183 |
Coprecipitation experiment of element 102, No, with Sm(OH)3 using NH3 and NaOH solution
H. Ninomiya et al.
184 |
Complex formation of Fr with crown ethers
Y. Komori et al.
185 |
Anion and cation exchange of Pa in HF/HCl mixture solution for Db chemistry
T. Yokokita and H. Haba
186 |
Study of anion exchange equilibrium of Zr and Hf in H2SO4 for Rf experiment
T. Yokokita et al.
187 |
Development of 211At-labeled antibody for targeted alpha therapy
Y. Kanayama et al.
188 |
RI imaging tracers for Na+/K+ dynamics in a living body
S. Motomura et al.
189 |
Measurement of activation cross sections of alpha particle induced reactions on iridium up to an energy of 50 MeV
S. Takács et al.
190 |
Cross-section measurement of α-induced reactions on natEr for 169Yb production
M. Saito et al.
191 |
Activation cross sections of alpha-induced reactions on natIn for 117mSn production
M. Aikawa et al.
192 |
Investigation of alpha particle induced reactions on natural silver in the 40–50 MeV energy range
F. Ditrói et al.
193 |
Production cross sections of deuteron-induced reactions on natural palladium for Ag isotopes
N. Ukon et al.
194 |
Production cross sections of 111Ag in deuteron-induced nuclear reactions on natural palladium
K. Ooe et al.
195 |
Production cross sections of Mo, Nb and Zr radioisotopes from α-induced reaction on natZr
T. Murata et al.
196 |
Activation cross sections of deuteron-induced reactions on niobium up to 24 MeV
M. Aikawa et al.
197 |
New cross section data for production of zirconium-89 by alpha-induced reaction on yttrium target
T. Murata et al.
198 |
Cross section measurement of the deuteron-induced reaction on 89Y to produce 89Zr
M. Sakaguchi et al.
199 |
Activation cross sections of alpha particle induced reactions on natural nickel up to 50 MeV
S. Takács et al.
200 |
Measurement of half-lives of 181, 182a, 182b, 183, 184mRe and 187W
Y. Komori and H. Haba
201 |
Production of Np isotopes in nuclear reactions for standard material in accelerator mass spectrometry
Y. Hayakawa et al.
202 |
Column chromatography of astatine using weak base anion exchange resin
H. Ikeda et al.
203 |
Speciation analysis of oxidation states of astatine extracted into ethanol-water solutions
Y. Shin et al.
204 |
Purification of 121mTe by anion exchange chromatography
T. Kubota et al.
205 |
Production of arsenic RI tracer from gallium oxide target by alpha beam irradiation
H. Ikeda et al.
206 |
Production of 44mSc for multiple-isotope PET
T. Fukuchi et al.
207 |
Adsorption experiments of 88Y and 143Pm on in HNO3
T. Yokokita et al.
208 |
4. Radiation Chemistry and Biology
Development of new cultivar of Hibiscus by C-ion beam irradiation
S. Ochiai et al.
209 |
Effect of heavy ion beam irradiation on germination and mutation rate in local Toraja rice
R. Sjahril et al.
210 |
Isolation of the chalky grain mutant 13–45 in rice (Oryza sativa L.)
T. Katsube-Tanaka et al.
211 |
Molecular analysis of the stay-green mutant dye1 induced by carbon ion beams in rice
H. Yamatani et al.
212 |
An early-flowering einkorn wheat mutant with deletions of PHYTOCLOCK 1/LUX ARRHYTHMO and VERNALIZATION 2 exhibits a high level of VERNALIZATION 1 expression induced by vernalization
K. Murai et al.
213 |
Effects of carbon-ion irradiation to male gametes on double fertilization in Cyrtanthus mackenii
T. Hirano et al.
214 |
Death of pollen tetrads caused by chromosomal rearrangement
Y. Kazama et al.
215 |
Estimation of efficient dose for heavy-ion beam mutagenesis by whole-genome mutational analysis in Arabidopsis thaliana
K. Ishii et al.
216 |
Characterization of L-cysteine requiring mutants derived from heavy-ion-beam irradiated cells in the unicellular green alga Parachlorella kessleri
T. Yamazaki et al.
217 |
Increase of lipid production upon outdoor cultivation of heavy-ion beam irradiation mutant Parachlorella kessleri PK4 and identification of its genetic variations
T. Takeshita et al.
218 |
Pleiotropic mutant of plant-symbiotic edible mushroom Tricholoma matsutake induced by argon-ion beam
H. Murata et al.
219 |
Comparison of biological effect between low- and high-LET irradiation on DSB repair in the filamentous fungus Neurospora crassa
L. Ma et al.
220 |
Effect of different conditions of the mutant isolation system on rotifers by using heavy-ion beam irradiation
K. Tsuneizumi et al.
221 |
The inhibitor of DNA-PK suppressed DNA repair after heavy-ion irradiation in quiescent mammalian cells
M. Izumi and T. Abe
222 |
Phosphorylation and accumulation of low-dose high-LET heavy ion-induced bystander signaling molecules
M. Tomita et al.
223 |
CR-39 imaging method to estimate microbeam profiles produced by tapered glass capillary optics
Y. Hikima et al.
224 |
Stability test of ion microbeams produced by tapered glass capillary optics for biological use
T. Ikeda et al.
225 |
Program Advisory Committee meetings for nuclear physics and for materials and life experiments
K. Yoneda et al.
227 |
Beam-time statistics of RIBF experiments
K. Yoneda and H. Ueno
228 |
Electric power consumption of RIKEN Nishina Center in 2018
E. Ikezawa et al.
229 |
Operation report of the ring cyclotrons in the RIBF accelerator complex
J. Shibata et al.
230 |
RILAC operation
E. Ikezawa et al.
231 |
Operation report on the RIKEN AVF cyclotron for 2018
K. Kobayashi et al.
232 |
Present status of the liquid-helium supply and recovery system
T. Dantsuka et al.
233 |
Present status of the BigRIPS cryogenic plant
K. Kusaka et al.
234 |
Radiation safety management at RIBF
K. Tanaka et al.
235 |
Operation of the Pelletron tandem accelerator
T. Ikeda et al.
237 |
Fee-based activities by the industrial application research team
A. Yoshida et al.
238 |
239 |
247 |
417 |
419 |