Page |
Strong one-neutron emission from two-neutron unbound states in β decays of r-process nuclei 86, 87Ga
R. Yokoyama et al.
1 |
Shell evolution towards 60Ca: First spectroscopy of 62Ti
M. L. Cortés et al.
2 |
78Ni revealed as a doubly magic stronghold against nuclear deformation
R. Taniuchi et al.
3 |
Inclusive cross sections for one- and multi-nucleon removal from Sn, Sb, and Te projectiles beyond the N = 82 shell closure
V. Vaquero
4 |
g-Factor of the 99Zr isomer: monopole evolution in the shape-coexisting region
F. Boulay et al.
5 |
Study of quasielastic barrier distributions as a step towards the synthesis of superheavy elements with hot fusion reactions
T. Tanaka et al.
6 |
Location of the neutron dripline at fluorine and neon
D. S. Ahn et al.
7 |
Dineutron correlation and rotational excitations in neutron-rich Mg isotopes
M. Yamagami
8 |
xF dependence of the transverse single spin asymmetry of very forward π0 production in 510 GeV p↑ + p collisions
M. H. Kim et al.
9 |
Non-evaporable getter-based differential pumping system for SRILAC
H. Imao et al.
10 |
Calibration of the beam energy position monitor system for the RIKEN superconducting acceleration cavity
T. Watanabe et al.
11 |
Intermediate silicon tracker development for sPHENIX experiment at RHIC
I. Nakagawa et al.
12 |
Update of MOCO for the MPV system
H. Baba et al.
13 |
Offline measurement of mass and correlated decay properties using radioactive 224Ra source via MRTOF+α-TOF detector
T. Niwase
14 |
Offline collinear laser spectroscopy of barium II toward measurement of RIs at SLOWRI facility
M. Tajima et al.
15 |
Angle-tunable wedge degrader for an energy-degrading RI beamline
J. W. Hwang et al.
16 |
Effects of columnar defects introduced by 2.6 GeV U-ion irradiation on Jc characteristics of 2H-NbSe2
T. Tamegai et al.
17 |
Impurity effects on magnetism of T★-type La1−x/2Eu1−x/2SrxCuO4
M. Fujita
18 |
Size-dependent magnetic behavior of La2CuO4 nanoparticles
S. Winarsih et al.
19 |
Targeted alpha therapy of thyroid cancer: Evaluation of [211At]NaAt treatment in the xenograft model
T. Watabe et al.
20 |
Live mouse imaging with 44mSc by a multiple-isotope PET
T. Fukuchi et al.
21 |
Production cross sections of ytterbium and thulium radioisotopes in alpha-induced nuclear reactions on natural erbium
M. Saito et al.
22 |
Production cross sections of dysprosium-159 radioisotope from the deuteron-induced reactions on terbium-159 up to 24 MeV
D. Ichinkhorloo et al.
23 |
Non-homologous end joining is the major repair pathway for DNA double strand breaks in human fibroblast after heavy-ion irradiation
M. Izumi and T. Abe
24 |
Mutation analysis pipeline V2: an improved version of bioinformatics pipeline for plant and microbial sequencing analysis
H. Ichida and T. Abe
25 |
Ⅱ. RESEARCH ACTIVITIES I (Nuclear, Particle and Astro-Physics)
1. Nuclear Physics
Decay studies in the region of 54Zn
A. Kubiela et al.
27 |
Study of the β-decay of 70Kr
A. Vitéz-Sveiczer et al.
28 |
Progress on the decay spectroscopy and measurement of half-lives and Pn values in exotic nuclei near the N = 50 shell closure
C. J. Griffin et al.
29 |
Total absorption gamma spectroscopy studies around 100Sn
A. Algora et al.
30 |
New and comprehensive β- and βp-decay spectroscopy results in the vicinity of 100Sn
J. Park et al.
31 |
Improved value for the Gamow-Teller strength of the 100Sn beta-decay
T. Faestermann and D. Lubos
32 |
β-delayed neutron emission probabilities for understanding the formation of the r-process rare-earth abundance peak (REP)
G. G. Kiss
33 |
Evolution of collectivity and mirror symmetry along N = Z
K. Wimmer
34 |
First attempt at in-beam γ-ray spectroscopy of 100Sn
S. Chen et al.
35 |
Intermediate-energy Coulomb excitation of 102Sn
M. L. Cortés et al.
36 |
In-beam γ-ray spectroscopy of 136Te at relativistic energies
V. Vaquero
37 |
Study of Gamow-Teller transitions from 11Li
L. Stuhl et al.
38 |
Structure of 13Be probed via quasi-free scattering
Anna Corsi
39 |
Overview of the experimental setup of SAMURAI11 to measure the 48Cr(p, n) and 64Ge(p, n) reactions in inverse kinematics
M. Sasano et al.
40 |
Role of 66Se in the rp-process nucleosynthesis in type I X-ray bursts
V. Panin et al.
41 |
Particle identification of light charged particle by SπRIT-TPC in Sn-Sn isotopic reactions II
Masanori Kaneko et al.
42 |
Monte carlo simulation of collective flow analysis for SπRIT-TPC
M. Kurata-Nishimura et al.
43 |
Measurement of the proton elastic scattering from 132Sn at 300 MeV/nucleon
J. Zenihiro et al.
44 |
TDPAD measurement for the 10− isomer of 98Y
J. M. Daugas et al.
45 |
Investigations of magnetic moments and spin alignment in Coulomb fission reaction
R. Lozeva et al.
46 |
Magnetic-moment measurement of the isomeric state of 130Sn in the vicinity of the doubly—magic nucleus 132Sn
G. Georgiev, Y. Ichikawa et al.
47 |
Isomeric-to-ground state ratio of 128Sn measured by Rare RI Ring
H. F. Li et al.
48 |
Performance study of electron spectrometer for SCRIT experiments
K. Tsukada et al.
49 |
Correlated measurement of mass and decay of fusion evaporation products for 51V+159Tb reactions via MRTOF+α-TOF detector
T. Niwase et al.
50 |
Half-life determination of nuclear excited states of 229Th by the coincidence measurement between α particles and γ rays from 233U
Y. Shigekawa et al.
51 |
Mass measurements of 252Cf fission fragments via MRTOF-MS
S. Kimura et al.
52 |
In-gas-cell laser ionization spectroscopy of Os isotopes using MRTOF-MS at KISS
Y. Hirayama et al.
53 |
Calibration and simulation of LaBr3:Ce scintillator for analyzing 8Li(α, n)11B-reaction data
Y. Mizoi et al.
54 |
Measurement of 25Al+p resonant elastic scattering relevant to the astrophysical reaction 22Mg(α, p)25Al
J. Hu et al.
55 |
26Si beam production and thermal durability test of gas target window
M. J. Kim et al.
56 |
Production of a high-intensity francium ion beam for the measurement of the electron electric dipole moment
H. Nagahama et al.
57 |
Development of β-NMR with spin-aligned beam
H. Nishiabta et al.
58 |
Production of isomers around 52Fe nucleus via projectile fragmentation
K. Kawata et al.
59 |
79Se(n, γ)80Se reaction cross section through 77, 79Se(d, p)78, 80Se reactions
N. Imai et al.
60 |
Production-cross-section measurement and new-isotope search for very neutron-deficient RIs produced from 78Kr beam at 345 MeV/nucleon by BigRIPS separator
H. Suzuki et al.
61 |
Database of radioactive isotope beams produced at the BigRIPS separator
Y. Shimizu et al.
62 |
RI beam production at BigRIPS in 2019
Y. Shimizu et al.
63 |
First success of RI-beam separation and particle identification for nuclei with atomic number Z>82 at RIKEN RI beam factory
T. Sumikama et al.
65 |
Analysis of fake asymmetry for the MTV experiment
F. Goto et al.
66 |
2. Nuclear Physics (Theory)
Non-relativistic expansion of Dirac equation with spherical vector and scalar potentials
Y. X. Guo and H. Z. Liang
67 |
Renormalizing random-phase approximation by using exact pairing
L. Tan Phuc et al.
68 |
Quenching factor of Gamow-Teller and spin dipole resonances
Li-Gang Cao, H. Sagawa et al.
69 |
Pairing in excited nuclei: a review
N. Quang Hung et al.
70 |
Canonical base in self-consistent constrained HFB in odd-A nuclei
K. Sugawara-Tanabe and K. Tanabe
71 |
S-shaped heat capacity in an odd-odd deformed nucleus
B. Dey et al.
72 |
Evidence for three-particle correlations in nuclear matter
W. Bentz and I.C. Cloet
73 |
Double charge-exchange phonon states
X. Roca-Maza, H. Sagawa et al.
74 |
3. Nuclear Data
EXFOR compilation of RIBF data in 2019
T. Tada
75 |
4. Hadron Physics
Unfolding the transverse momentum distribution for very forward neutron production in pAu collisions at √sNN = 200 GeV
B. Mulilo et al.
77 |
Update of single and dihadron cross sections for light hadrons in e+e− annihilation at √s = 10.58 GeV in Belle
Ralf Seidl
78 |
Preparation status of the J-PARC E16 experiment in 2019
S. Yokkaichi
79 |
Measurement of nuclear effects on anti-quarks via Drell-Yan process at FNAL-SeaQuest
K. Nakano et al.
80 |
Progress of the polarized Drell-Yan experiment at Fermilab, SpinQuest (E1039)
Y. Miyachi et al.
81 |
Development of zero-degree calorimeter for EIC
Y. Goto et al.
82 |
INTT Silicon Modules and Ladders Assembly for sPHENIX Project
C. Miraval et al.
83 |
6. Particle Physics
Empirical formulas for the standard-model parameters
Y. Akiba
85 |
Quarternion-spin-isospin model for the standard-model parameters
Y. Akiba
86 |
R = 12H02 and its implications to gravity and cosmology
Y. Akiba
87 |
7. Astrophysics and Astro-Glaciology
Experimental equipment for exploring reactions of low energy ions with an ice surface as an interstellar dust analog
Y. Nakai et al.
89 |
Commissioning of a prototype novel laser melting sampler for analyzing ice cores with high depth resolution and high throughput
Y. Motizuki et al.
90 |
8. Accelerator
Revaluation of beam orbit calculation method for the injection line of AVF cyclotron after tuning pepper-pot emittance monitor
Y. Kotaka et al.
91 |
Non-thermal equilibrium effect on plasma window with large diameter
N. Ikoma et al.
92 |
Status report on update of alarm system and control system of magnet power supplies for RIBF
M. Komiyama et al.
93 |
Power supply backup system for injection and extraction magnets of cyclotrons
K. Kumagai and N. Fukunishi
94 |
Improvement of beam stability by stabilizing the cooling-water temperature for the main and trim coils of IRC
R. Koyama et al.
95 |
Interlock signal application from radiation monitoring ion chamber for SRC
M. Nakamura et al.
96 |
Nishina RIBF water-cooling system operational report 2019
T. Maie et al.
97 |
9. Instrumentation
Development of ZeroDegree Large Acceptance Dispersive mode
H. Takeda et al.
99 |
Large-acceptance achromatic mode with mono-energetic wedge degrader for ZeroDegree spectrometer
S. Chen et al.
100 |
New ion-optical operating modes of BigRIPS and ZeroDegree spectrometer for production and separation of high-quality rare isotope beams and high-resolution spectrometer experiments
H. Takeda et al.
101 |
Purification of slowed-down RI beam
T. Sumikama et al.
102 |
Thermal model simulation of high-power rotating target for BigRIPS separator
K. Yoshida et al.
103 |
Incidents involving the DMT3 magnet in the beam transport line from SRC to BigRIPS
K. Kusaka et al.
104 |
First confirmation of stopped RIs at parasitic gas cell with new approach
T. Sonoda et al.
105 |
Stopping examination for high-energy RI beams in the parasitic gas cell
T. Sonoda et al.
106 |
Second report on offline tests for RF carpet transportation in RF ion guide gas cell at the SLOWRI facility
S. Iimura et al.
107 |
The 3rd report on offline test for RF carpet transportation in RF ion guide gas cell at the SLOWRI facility
A. Takamine et al.
108 |
Battery-operated compact ion source for beam transport test
T. M. Kojima et al.
109 |
Present status of ERIS at the SCRIT electron scattering facility
T. Ohnishi et al.
110 |
Latest performance of FRAC at SCRIT facility
S. Sato et al.
111 |
3D magnetic field measurement of the SCRIT electron spectrometer
H. Wauke et al.
112 |
Measurement of the luminosity of electron scaterring at SCRIT
D. Taki et al.
113 |
Yield development with in-gas-jet laser ionization at KISS
Y. X. Watanabe et al.
114 |
Observation of charge-stripping of 20 keV/q ions upon injection into gas cell cooler-buncher at KISS
P. Schury et al.
115 |
Reliable connection methods for gas piping and signal cabling of PPAC in focal-plane vacuum chambers at BigRIPS
H. Sato et al.
116 |
Performance of a none-isochronous position-sensitive detector for the Rare-RI Ring
R. Crane and S. Naimi
117 |
Intermediate Tracker Integration in sPHENIX
R. Nouicer, I. Nakagawa et al.
118 |
Assembly of Intermediate Silicon Tracker in Taiwan
C. Shih et al.
119 |
Development status of long data cable for sPHENIX-INTT detector
T. Hachiya et al.
120 |
Performance evaluation of a sensor module for INTT at sPHENIX
A. Suzuki et al.
121 |
Sensor testing of Intermediate Silicon Tracker
K. Cheng et al.
122 |
Geant4 simulation of INTT Phase-2 Test Beam at Fermilab
C. Shih et al.
123 |
Development of high-resolution hard X-ray detector system by using transition-edge sensor for accelator-based experiments
T. Isobe et al.
124 |
SAMURAI DAQ speed improvement
J. GAO et al.
125 |
High-stability high-voltage power supply for MRTOF
P. Schury et al.
126 |
Eliminating mass-dependent inaccuracies in MRTOF-MS for the study of RI using arbitrary reference masses
M. Rosenbusch
127 |
On-line mass measurement using multi-reflection time-of-flight mass spectrograph (MRTOF-MS) at KISS
J. Y. Moon et al.
128 |
Collinear laser spectroscopy of Ba+ in 6s 2S1/2-6p 2P3/2 transition
Y. Sasaki et al.
129 |
LIF observation of Rb atoms in superfluid helium by picosecond pulsed laser pumping
Y. Takeuchi et al.
130 |
Measurement of stopping-position width of highly energetic Rb ion beams in liquid nitrogen
M. Nishimura et al.
131 |
Investigation of the secondary rubidium beam profile at HIMAC towards laser spectroscopy in an optical cryostat
K. Tsubura et al.
132 |
Degrader system for ZD-MRTOF
J. J. Liu et al.
133 |
First test of graphenic carbon vacuum windows with heavy ions
S. Purushothaman et al.
134 |
Heavy-ion irradiation test of radiochromic films
T. Kambara et al.
135 |
Computing and network environment at the RIKEN Nishina Center
T. Ichihara
136 |
CCJ operations in 2019
S. Yokkaichi et al.
137 |
Ⅲ. RESEARCH ACTIVITIES II (Material Science and Biology)
1. Atomic and Solid State Physics (Ion)
Control of electrical conductivity in diamond by boron implantation—application of high-temperature and high-pressure annealing
H. Yamazaki et al.
139 |
Superconducting proximity effect in epitaxial Nb(110)/Au(111)/Nb(110) trilayers
H. Yamazaki et al.
140 |
Simultaneous cluster dissociation and optical pumping of Ag in superfluid helium using a single UV laser
T. Yamamoto et al.
141 |
Baseline correction system for precision measurement of the hyperfine structure of Rb atoms in superfluid helium
M. Doi et al.
142 |
Profile measurement of laser microbeam produced by glass capillaries: tilt dependence
M. Mori et al.
143 |
2. Atomic and Solid State Physics (Muon)
Study on magnetism of defective reduced graphene oxides
R. Asih et al.
145 |
Magnetic ground state of Jeff = 0 Mott insulator Ag3LiRu2O6 under pressure
T. Takayama et al.
146 |
Non-magnetic ground state of In2Ru2O7 probed by muon spin rotation
T. Takayama et al.
147 |
Short-range magnetic order in the frustrated antiferromagnet Cu5(PO4)3(OH)4 (pseudomalachite)
H. Kikuchi et al.
148 |
μSR investigation of spin liquid states in magnetic properties of MgTi2O4 sample
U. Widyaiswari et al.
149 |
Zero-point vibrational energy in the muon sites of La2CuO4
M. R. Ramadhan et al.
150 |
Investigations of the quantum critical behavior of the S =1/2 J1-J2 square lattice antiferromagnets Sr2Cu(Te1−xWx)O6
Sungwon Yoon et al.
151 |
Magnetic ordering and spin dynamics of Nd2Ru2O7 studied by μSR
U. Widyaiswari et al.
152 |
Muon spin relaxation study of solute-vacancy interactions during natural aging of Al–Mg–Si–Cu alloys
K. Nishimura et al.
153 |
Muon spin rotation study on the new organic spin liquid candidate λ-(STF)2GaCl4
T. Minamidate et al.
154 |
Zero-field μSR on single-crystal organic superconductor λ-(BETS)2GaCl4
D. P. Sari et al.
155 |
Relationship between the structure and electrical conductivity of 12-mer single-stranded polyadenine studied by scanning tunneling microscope
H. Rozak et al.
156 |
Electron transfer in 12-mer double-stranded DNA by muon spectroscopy and scanning tunneling microscopy
H. Rozak et al.
157 |
μSR study of the electron transfer mechanism of a blue copper protein, Pseudoazurin
K. Ishida
158 |
Temperature dependence of the total muonium emission yield from silica aerogel using μSR method
K. Ishida et al.
159 |
3. Radiochemistry and Nuclear Chemistry
Relativistic density functional theory with the finite-light-speed correction for Coulomb interaction
T. Naito and R. Akashi et al.
161 |
On-line anion-exchange experiment of Nb and Ta in HF/HNO3 mixture solution for Db chemistry
S. Adachi et al.
162 |
Anion-exchange behaviour of Nb, Ta and Pa in H2SO4
M. Kato et al.
163 |
Anion exchange of Nb and Ta in HF/HCl mixture solution for Db chemistry
T. Yokokita and H. Haba
164 |
Anion exchange of element 104, Rf, at 0.11 M H2SO4 by using batch-type solid-liquid extraction apparatus, AMBER
T. Yokokita et al.
165 |
Anion exchange of Zr, Hf, and Th by the automated extraction apparatus: toward the chemical study of 104Rf in HNO3
E. Watanabe et al.
166 |
99Ru and 57Fe Mössbauer spectroscopic studies of Na2Ru1−xFexO3 of sodium-ion battery electrode
H. Hamano et al.
167 |
Development of an RF-carpet gas cell for the chemistry of superheavy elements
Y. Shigekawa et al.
168 |
An attempt to modify the membrane degasser (MDG)
Y. Komori et al.
169 |
Preparation of Gd targets for in-beam fission measurements as a step towards the handling of 243Am targets with ultra-thin backings
T. Tanaka et al.
170 |
Preparation of [211At]-labeled sodium astatide (NaAt) by reducing with ascorbic acid for the treatment of thyroid cancer
Y. Shirakami
171 |
Development of radioimmunotherapy with astatine-211-counjugated antibodies
H. Takashima et al.
172 |
Anti-cancer effect of 211At-labeled antibody on xenografted mice with intravenous injection
Y. Kanayama et al.
173 |
Dispersion rates of astatine-211 from aqueous solutions and chloroform
A. Toyoshima et al.
174 |
Usability of 67Cu as a therapeutic radioisotope for peptide receptor radionuclide therapy
Y. Fujisawa et al.
175 |
Quality evaluation of RIKEN 67Cu for labeling peptide compound
S. Oshikiri et al.
176 |
Simultaneous imaging of Na+/K+ by semiconductor Compton camera GREI
S. Motomura et al.
177 |
Research progress on double-photon-emission coincidence imaging with cascade gamma-ray-emitting nuclide
M. Uenomachi et al.
178 |
Production of Np-236 in the 232Th + 7Li reaction for standard material in accelerator mass spectrometry
Y. Hayakawa et al.
179 |
Excitation function measurement of the Tl(d, α)203Hg reaction for carrier-free 203Hg tracer production
Y. Takahashi et al.
180 |
Activation cross sections of alpha-induced reactions on natural tungsten for 186Re and 188Re production
N. Ukon et al.
181 |
Activation cross sections of alpha particle-induced reactions on natural hafnium up to 50 MeV
S. Takacs et al.
182 |
Activation cross sections of alpha-induced reactions on natural ytterbium up to 50 MeV
M. Saito et al.
183 |
Measurement of excitation functions for 165Ho(α, xn)165–168Tm reactions
A. R. Usman et al.
184 |
Production cross sections of (d, x) reactions on natural erbium
M. U. Khandaker et al.
185 |
Activation-cross-section measurement of alpha-induced reactions on natural dysprosium
T. Murata et al.
186 |
Production cross sections of 157Dy in alpha-particle-induced reactions on natural gadolinium
D. Ichinkhorloo et al.
187 |
Activation cross sections of alpha-particle induced nuclear reactions on natural palladium
M. Aikawa et al.
188 |
Excitation function measurement for zirconium-89 and niobium-90 production using alpha-induced reactions on yttrium-89
T. Murata et al.
189 |
Production cross sections of 68Ga via deuteron-induced reactions on natural zinc
Ts. Zolbadral et al.
190 |
Production cross sections of 45Ti via deuteron-induced reaction on 45Sc
Ts. Zolbadral et al.
191 |
Present status of 211At production at the RIKEN AVF cyclotron
Y. Wang et al.
192 |
Decontamination of Po in the 211Rn/211At generator system
K. Aoi et al.
193 |
Separation and purification of 139Ce tracer for metallofullerene synthesis
K. Akiyama et al.
194 |
Separation of 121mTe from antimony without redox reaction
T. Kubota et al.
195 |
Chemical separation of theranostic radionuclide 111Ag produced in natPd(d, x)111Ag reactions
K. Ooe et al.
196 |
Preliminary investigation of nanoclay-gel-based fluorescent gel dosimeters under carbon-ion beam
T. Maeyama et al.
197 |
4. Radiation Chemistry and Biology
Mutants of the ectomycorrhizal mushroom Tricholoma matsutake that exert detrimental effects on its symbiotic partner Pinus densiflora
H. Murata et al.
199 |
Effect of heavy-ion-beam irradiation on mycelial growth of medicinal mushrooms
M. Hatashita, K. Takagi et al.
200 |
Yield improvement of starch-degrading enzyme in fungi by ion-beam mutagenesis
H. Iwahara et al.
201 |
Mutation breeding of sake yeast using heavy-ion-beam irradiation
K. Baisho et al.
202 |
Isolation of morphological mutants in a bryophyte model Marchantia polymorpha using heavy-ion mutagenesis
S. Sakai et al.
203 |
Breeding of summer-autumn-flowering small-flowered spray-type chrysanthemums cultivar ‘Nagasaki SWC1’ by heavy-ion-beam irradiation
A. Hisamura et al.
204 |
Mutation induction in strawberry of original Saitama cultivar by C-ion irradiation
H. Uchida et al.
205 |
Characteristics of heavy-ion mutagenesis in cultivated strawberry
T. Wada et al.
206 |
Improvement of the Brix content of the sweet potato “Anno-Beni” by mutation induced using heavy-ion-beam irradiation
T. Hashiguchi et al.
207 |
Development of mutagenesis technique for leguminous crops using heavy-ion-beam irradiation and screening of useful mutants
P. Siviengkhek et al.
208 |
Mutants of sorghum variety “WRAY” induced by heavy-ion irradiation
H. Cai et al.
209 |
Genetic analysis of an early flowering rice mutant induced by argon ions
R. Morita et al.
210 |
Approach toward isolating early-heading mutants from Tana Toraja local aromatic rice “Pare Bau” irradiated with argon- and carbon-ion beams
A. M. Okasa et al.
211 |
A novel domain of LONG GRAIN 1 in rice possesses transcriptional activation activity
H. Abe et al.
212 |
Establishment of large mutant lines on rotifer using heavy-ion-beam irradiation
K. Tsunezumi et al.
213 |
Contribution of multiple DNA repair pathways in Arabidopsis thaliana dry seeds after heavy-ion-beam irradiation
K. Ishii et al.
214 |
Ion-microbeam irradiation to damage DNA in RPE cell nucleus with tapered glass capillary optics at Pelletron facility
T. Ikeda et al.
215 |
Electric power consumption of RIKEN Nishina Center in 2019
E. Ikezawa et al.
217 |
Operation report of the ring cyclotrons in the RIBF accelerator complex
N. Tsukiori et al.
218 |
RILAC operation
E. Ikezawa et al.
219 |
Operation report on the RIKEN AVF cyclotron for 2019
M. Hamanaka et al.
220 |
Present status of the liquid-helium supply and recovery system
T. Dantsuka et al.
221 |
Operation of the BigRIPS cryogenic plant
K. Kusaka et al.
222 |
Radiation safety management at RIBF
K. Tanaka et al.
223 |
Operation of the Pelletron tandem accelerator
T. Ikeda et al.
225 |
Fee-based activities operated by the Industrial Application Research Team
A. Yoshida et al.
226 |