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Call for Contribution for RIKEN Accelerator Progress Report Vol.58

We are calling for the manuscript for RIKEN Accelerator Progress Report Vol.58, the official annual report of the Nishina Center for Accelerator-Based Science.
You are asked to submit the research results and interim report of any experiments conducted at the Nishina Center including the RIBF, the RIKEN BNL Research Center, the RIKEN Facility Office at RAL (and any other partner institutions) from January to December, 2024. Papers published within the past year should be contributed in a condensed form in a format as "Condensed from the article in XXXX".

For more details, please refer to“Author's Guide”.

Deadline for submission : Friday, January 31, 2025 17:00(JST)
(Strict deadline)

A manuscript not submitted by the deadline will not be accepted.

RIKEN Nishina Center Accelerator Progress Report Editorial Committee
Chair: Tetsuya Ohnishi

Important Reminder Regarding Submission of Manuscript

The following must be submitted via [Contribution Form] website :

1) a PDF file of single-spaced, double column print for the final check
2) a PDF file of double-spaced, single column print for proof reading

How to enter the author's affiliated institution (sample)


When Submitting the First Manuscript

  • If you have two or more manuscripts, please submit separately via website.
    1. All fonts in both text and charts/graphs must be embedded
    2. Unlock security
    3. Be sure to check that PDF can be edited (e.g. title etc.) and all texts can be copied/pasted
    4. Manuscript in Word text file or LaTex file must be converted to a PDF file
  • Agreement from all collaborating authors should be obtained beforehand.
  • Once the manuscript is confirmed by the editorial committee, a confirmation mail will be sent to the contributor.
  • In case the manuscript needs to be revised, please send it back to us by replying to this mail with a file attachment of the manuscript.
    Do not re-submit via website.

Go to Contribution Form


When Submitting the Revised Manuscript (including English proofreading)

  • Make sure to submit only in a file format designated by the Editorial Committee.

When Submitting the Final Manuscript

  • The final manuscript which has been revised by the referee and author, and its English already proofread should be written in a single space (for print), double column and must be submitted as a PDF file and a Tex or a Word format.  All charts, photographs, etc. must also be submitted. Make sure that file names for your figures and tables correspond to the ones on your manuscript (e.g. Fig.1.eps, Table 1.pdf)
  • The submitted manuscript in a PDF file (for print) format will be printed as it is. Make sure that all fonts are embedded so that they can be displayed properly on website.