Preparation of Manuscript
Length and Format / Page Limits
The manuscript on the contribution of your scientific activities at the RIKEN Nishina Center is limited to ONE page, A4 size.
An exception can be made for a large-scale collaborations by making a request to the progress[at] (Please replace "[at]" by "@") of APR Editorial Committee.
Make sure to read the contribution guideline carefully so that the manuscript meets the page limit. (a manuscript that is too short is also not accepted)
- Title, Authors, Main text, Figures, Tables, Photographs, and References must fit into one page.
- If the text does not fit within the specified page limit, figures may be reduced drastically.
- Considering the character of this report, please avoid detailed discussion.
- Do not change the sample format including font size, line spacing, margin etc.
The first letter of the title and the first letter of proper nouns should be typed in capital letters. If the title includes special characters, use LaTeX style.
- OK :
- Structure of 31Na studied by the Monte-Carlo shell model
- Not OK :
- Structure Of 31Na Studied By The Monte-Carlo Shell Model
Author's Names and Affiliated Institute
- Write your last name in full, first name only in initial.
e.g. ) I. Suzuki,*1,*2 T. Yamada,*1 T. Yamato,*2 K. Yamada,*3 and S. Sato*1,*4 - Agreement from all collaborating authors should be obtained beforehand.
- Use of “XXX Collaboration” is recommended when the list of authors is too long. In the case of experiments using RIBF, however, the list of authors should include the names of all authors, not exceeding about 10 lines.
- Those who hold a position at the Nishina Center (including RIKEN-RAL and RBRC) should write "RIKEN Nishina Center" as their affiliation. (Not the name of laboratory)
- Visiting Scientists, JRAs, or Student Trainees at the Nishina Center are required to write both the names of his/her affiliated institution and "RIKEN Nishina Center".
- Those with a position in the RIKEN Nishina Center must have their names on the affiliated laboratory's member list in APR.
In all other cases, mark *1, *2, *3 ・・・at the upper right of the authors' names, and indicate their affiliated institute and division name both in full as a foot note. Name of country is not required.
e.g.:Atomic Physics Laboratory, RIKEN
Department of Physics, Kyoto University
Graphs, charts, photographs, etc.
- When quoting diagrams, charts and photographs in the text, make sure to write "--- in Fig. 1 ---", "--- in Figs. 1 and 2---",-- [Table 1] --. However, do not use abbreviations at the beginning of a sentence. In such cases, you should start by "Figure 1 shows ---".
- Diagrams may be reduced in size for printing, so letters and numbers should be large and in dark bold type.
- Graphs, charts and photographs must fit within the margins.
- References should be marked with superscript numerals in the text. (in the order of appearance)
- References should be standardized as follows:
- K. Morita et al., J. Phys. Soc. Jpn. 73, 2593 (2004).
- P. S. Ho, in Principles of Electronic Packaging, edited by D. P. Seraphim, R. Lasky, C. Y. Li (McGraw-Hill, New York, 2004), p. 809.
- J. A. Dean, Lange's Handbook of Chemistry (McGraw-Hill, New York, 2004).
- F. Martinerie et al., Proc. 45th IEEE Conf. on Decision and Control, Vol. 3 (2004),
p. 3803. - B. D. Campbell, P. M. Simon, J. T. Triplett, R. E. Taylor, Proc. 35th Int. Wire Cable Symp., Cherry Hill, USA, 2003-12 (Elsevier Science, Cherry Hill, 2004), p. 149.
- When making a reference to a manuscript to be published in this APR, write “Author’s name (et al.), in this report.”.
- Reference should be placed after the text (including graphs, cherts, photographs, etc).
- For the format instructions not mentioned above, please refer to and comply with the "Style and Notation Guide" of The American Physical Society.
Example: abc,1) abc, 3, 4) abc, 3-5) etc.
How to write
The preferred method of submission is in LaTeX format. We have a sample template for your reference.
- What is LaTeX?
LaTeX is basically the powerful desk-top publishing software RTeXS created by D.E. Knuth, and its version has been improved by L. Lamport for easier use.
- Why LaTeX?
Unlike commercially available word-processing software, the LaTeX is device-friendly (or device-independent) for the electronic submission of text-style documents. Nowadays, submission of a manuscript prepared by LaTeX is often recommended by major learned societies for possible publication in its format.
Method of Input (LaTeX Version)
LaTeX format is revised on as needed-basis.
The latest version should always be used.
The latest version of LaTex format can be downloaded from the following websites:
☆Class File Manual
☆LaTeX style file and sample file
If you prefer to receive the LaTex format by e-mail, contact.
To write a manuscript by LaTeX style files
The file style to be used has been confirmed by the ASCII version of LaTeX compilers.
Place the LaTeX style files (accel.cls file and sample tex file) in your working directory.
Refer to the sample tex file when you write the manuscript.
We recommend that you first compile sample tex file without modification.
To complete references, figures, and tables, you should compile at least twice.
You should use only the common commands.
Do not use unusual/special commands and fonts.
Do not modify the accel.cls file.
You should not include self-made macro files, and use \input command.
Do not modify the comments in the sample tex file as they may not come out correctly at the time of editing.
Debug according to the error messages from LaTeX compilation
Please put both figures and tables into a single manuscript file.
Method of Input (MS-Word Version)
Template is revised on as needed-basis.
The latest version should always be used.
Please download the following files if you use template.
Do NOT change font size and unfilled spaces on the template.
Check for Spelling
All typos will be printed as they are. Make sure to use the spell checker to prevent them. Manuscripts will be printed as received and any misspellings or typographical errors remain the author's responsibility.
PDF Manuscript
Do not use security lock for writing comments.
PDF file of single-spaced, double column print will be used for APR.
PDF file of double-spaced, single column print will be used for proofreading.
Line numbers are automatically assigned on up-to-dated LaTex template.
MS-word (Microsoft 365) user should manually set line numbers as
[Layout - Line numbers - Continuous] .